It has been an interesting start to our school year, with lots of changes and adjustments. Our former secretary, Mrs. Anderson, has moved on to a new position, and we wish her well. However, that meant months of substitutes while we posted the job, had interviews, and then waited for the process to repeat for the person who got the job. Finally, she has come on board, and we welcome Mrs. Kim Rugg to our LMC. Mrs. Rugg has worked at MVI for a number of years as a literacy aide, so she knows many of the kids. That should make the transition a bit easier.
Another big change this year is the addition of four reading groups to our schedule. Teachers nominated students who were doing well in reading and could use some more challenging work, so I will be working with both fourth and fifth graders this year. We will be participating in Wisconsin's Battle of the Books and the Global Read Along, both of which require some higher order reading and thinking. In addition, students will need to manage their time and work independently in order to do well. We'll have a little fun along the way, too!