It's been a busy start to our school year, with a new reading series and all 4th and 5th grade students getting iPads. Can you believe we are already doing our first round of MAP testing? Mrs. Anderson has been busily working on the first group of new books, so they will be ready to check out on Thursday, September 19. I am concentrating on planning for my classes, trying to make sure we hit all the standards we need to cover.
Meanwhile, the calendar marches relentlessly on. Soon, we will be having conferences, and our first book fair will run at the same time. Mark your calendars: the fair will be open for sure on Tuesday, October 8 and Thursday October 10 from 3:30 to 6:30, then on Friday, October 11 from 7:30 to 10:00. We pack up right after that, since the materials need to go back to Scholastic the following week. I am always in need of book fair volunteers, so give me a call at school (269-2187) and let me know when you can help. We rely on the fair to purchase things like extra display shelves and classroom incentives. This fall, I would like to make enough to buy a projector for our stepped room.
I will have a hard copy newsletter to send home soon with all my online information and an update on what each grade level is doing. Parents are always welcome in the LMC, so consider this an open invitation to stop in some time and check us out.