A lot happens in a school during the month of December. Choir rehearsals, decorating, special activities, and dress up days are just a few. Not to be outdone, the LMC is having a reading challenge this month. I call it the Charity Challenge.
For each book a student reads, he or she can fill out a blank ornament (available at the LMC desk). When they turn that ornament in, we will place it on our wall, and 25 cents will be donated to the Heifer International charity (http://www.heifer.org). With that money, we will -- hopefully -- be able to help a needy family become self-sustaining.
This challenge is based on the book Beatrice's Goat, which tells the story of how receiving one goat helped a family in Uganda afford to send their child to school. Depending on how much reading the students are willing to do, maybe we can help Heifer International afford another goat. The final count of ornaments will happen on Jan. 7. Keep reading!