With the Christmas break and New Year fast approaching, people may be looking for some online activities to keep themselves -- and their families -- occupied. Here are a few I have stumbled upon that I thought were worth sharing.
A little late with your Santa letter? Email him here: http://www.emailsanta.com/
Create a personalized Santa story here: http://www.northpole.com/Den/PersonalizedStories/
Did you know that Santa is on Twitter? Follow him here: http://twitter.com/noradsanta
Not going to have enough time to mail out Christmas cards? Make some online here: http://www.presentationmagazine.com/online-christmas-card-maker.htm
Make your own snowflakes here: http://snowflakes.barkleyus.com/index.html
Play with some pictures and elf yourself here: http://www.elfyourself.com/
Here's a personal favorite -- The Reindeer Orchestra. Bop their noses to play a tune: http://dingo.care2.com/cards/new/0422/Do-a-rain-deer.swf
No snow? Make a virtual snowman: http://think-bank.com/iwb/flash/snowman.html
There's lots more, and many of them are listed on this site, Ozge Karaoglu's Blog, one of the places where I get good ideas. Have a great holiday and a wonderful New Year!